Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fight This

“More and more, it feels like I'm doing a really bad impersonation of myself” – Chuck Palanuick

She won’t stop. Cant.
The Words keep coming -fast, loud, like a madness unraveling.
They bind her voice and snake through her fingers which follow, in a sightless game of Simon Says.

And as she spits her guts out, They inch backwards, stealing the light, a testament to her terror.

How do you restrain something you have never been able to capture?
How do you straitjacket yourself when you can’t be contained?
How do you stop someone They started,
even if that someone is You?

So she turns to them and whips up their voices into her mouth till They speak of silence and she speaks of them,
like them.
They smile, satisfied, and stalk away, their prey now playing predator.
Game over.

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