Sunday, December 13, 2009

Whatcha say?

The truth is, mystery lies in honesty.

But adolescence makes fucking liars of us all.

We play and switch sides and blades and hide our smiles behind fuck bands, so eventually our mystery fades and boredom and suffocation play referee to a game that ends in tears.

I vote for honesty.

I say, “I love you, now.”

So you know, right? That I love you. But I’m hitting you with it straight - I love you, now.  Tonight when flashing lights veil the whites of my eyes I might love a stranger, now.

We’re so young and overrun by blinding emotion, fueled by fire and intoxicants we forget how to unscrew, and then we end up, you know, screwing. So when her hands trace the silhouette of your spine I know you will love her, now, then.

And I will cry, then, but I know that someday when someone says, “I love you”, I won’t take change and chance and growing pains that spill scars into consideration.

I will say, “I love you too.”

‘cause that’s how we’ll roll, then.


The Frozen Flame said...

I don't even know what to say. But I'm commenting because I HAD to tell you how much I love it. I've always said this and I'm saying it again, I haven't come across ANYBODY who writes as honestly as you do. It's remarkable how you've captured such a simple thing and yet so complicated, in these few lines. I want to be in love now. Until 'then.' Until forever :)

Insignificant said...

"I love you, now." I love it. Now :P

Fences are Fun said...

A, thank you :) I knew you'd know, you know?
I want you to be in love too, now and forever but it's never that magical.
Still, I'm here :)

Insigficant, thanks, now and then :)